Empowering returning citizens…
Supporting recovery through housing.
We aim to help our residents close the gap between addiction lifestyles and achieving success in the community, family, and employment while staying sober in the process.
Meeting Housing Needs.
Our private, charitable, non-profit organization leases several houses and provides safe and sober living environments in Montgomery County. We then rent rooms in those homes to sober individuals who are screened with the help of the county, as well as private agencies.
An Integrated Approach.
XYZ Services presents recovery opportunities that are an integral part of each participant's learning experience, where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of past history.
Resources through Partnership.
XYZ Services’ long-term goal is to give its participants positive life-long memories of their recovery experience.
XYZ Services continues to expand and will be offering job training in the near future. Additionally, we currently also offer transitional housing for women in Montgomery County, MD.

13003 Atlantic Ave Rockville, MD 20851